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Styling Guidelines for Academic Writing at Eternity

Citing Sources - Journal Articles

Journal Article From Library Database

Journal Article From Online Source

Journal Article in Print

Tip: Journals are scholarly or professional periodicals. They often contain the word journal in their title, but not always. Journals differ from magazines primarily by their intended audience. This distinction is important because journal articles and magazine articles are cited differently. If you are unsure whether a periodical is a journal or a magazine, see whether its articles include citations; if so, treat it as a journal. 


General Format for Journal Articles

Note 1. First name Last name, "Title of the Article: Subtitle," Title of the Journal Volume no, Issue no (Date of Publication): page numbers. Link to article. 
Bibliography Last name, First name. "Title of the Article: Subtitle." Title of the Journal Volume no, Issue no (Date of Publication): page numbers. URL to article.

Journal Article From Library Database

Many journal articles are available online, often through the library website or a commercial database. To cite an article that you read online, include a URL or DOI where available. 

Note 1. John J. Kilgallen, "The Elder Son," Expository Times 115, no. 6 (2004): 187,
Bibliography Kilgallen, John J. "The Elder Son." Expository Times 115, no. 6 (2004):186-89.
Note 1. Daniel E. Ritchie and Jared Hedges, "Choosing Rest in Paradise Lost," Christianity and Literature 67, no. 2 (2018): 271-93, doi:10.1177/0148333117725606
Bibliography Ritchie, Daniel E., and Jared Hedges. "Choosing Rest in Paradise Lost." Christianity and Literature 67, no. 2 (2018): 271-93. doi:10.1177/0148333117725606


Journal Article From Online Source

Note 1. Thijs Booij, "Psalm 141: A Prayer for Discipline and Protection," Biblica 86, no. 1 (2005); 100,
Bibliography Booij, Thijs. "Psalm 141: A Prayer for Discipline and Protection," Biblica 86, no. 1 (2005); 97-106.


Journal Article in Print

Note 1. Danna Nolan Fewell and David M. Gunn, "Boaz, Pillar of Society: Measures of Worth in the Book of Ruth," Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 45 (1993): 46.
Bibliography Fewell, Danna Nolan, and David M. Gunn. "Boaz, Pillar of Society: MEasures of Worth in the Book of Ruth." Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 45(1993): 45-59.


Journal Article From Library Database

Journal Article From Online Source

Journal Article in Print

Tip: Journals are scholarly or professional periodicals. They often contain the word journal in their title, but not always. Journals differ from magazines primarily by their intended audience. This distinction is important because journal articles and magazine articles are cited differently. If you are unsure whether a periodical is a journal or a magazine, see whether its articles include citations; if so, treat it as a journal. 

General Format for Journal Articles

Reference List Author's Last Name, Author's First Name. Year of Publication. "Title of Article: Subtitle of Article." Title of Journal Volume Number, Issue Number (Additional Date Information): pp-pp.
Parenthetical Citation (Author's Last Name Year of Publication, pp)

Journal Article From Library Database

Many journal articles are available online, often through the library website or a commercial database. To cite an article that you read online, include a URL or DOI where available. 

Reference List Fernandez, Patricio A. 2016. "Practical Reasoning: Where the Action Is." Ethics 126, no. 4(July): 869-900.
Parenthetical Citation (Fernandez 2016, 872)

Journal Article From Online Source

Reference List Booij, Thijs. 2005. "Psalm 141: A Prayer for Discipline and Protection." Biblica 86, no. 1: 97-106.
Parenthetical Citation (Booij 2005, 100)

Journal Article in Print

Reference List Fewell, Danna Nolan, and David M. Gunn. 1993. "Boaz, Pillar of Society: Measures of Worth in the Book of Ruth." Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 45: 45-59.
Parenthetical Citation (Fewell and Gunn 1993, 46)