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Style Guide

Styling Guidelines for Academic Writing at Eternity

Abbreviations: The Bible and Other Sacred Works

Traditional Shorter Full Name
Amos Am Amos
1 Chron. 1 Chr

1 Chronicles

2 Chron. 2 Chr

2 Chronicles

Dan. Dn Daniel
Deut. Dt Deuteronomy
Eccles. Eccl Ecclesiastes
Esther Est Esther
Exod. Ex Exodus
Ezek. Ez Ezekiel
Ezra Ezr Ezra
Gen. G Genesis
Hab. Hb Habakkuk
Hag. Hg Haggai
Hosea Hos Hosea
Isa. Is Isaiah
Jer. Jer Jeremiah
Job Jb Job
Joel Jl Joel
Jon. Jon Jonah
Josh. Jo Joshua
Judg. Jgs Judges
1 Kings 1 Kgs 1 Kings
2 Kings 2 Kgs 2 Kings
Lam. Lam Lamentations
Lev. Lv Leviticus
Mal. Mal Malachi
Mic. Mi Micah
Nah. Na Nahum
Neh. Neh Nehemiah
Num. Nm Numbers
Obad. Ob Obadiah
Prov. Prv Proverbs
Ps. (plural Pss.) Ps (plural Pss) Psalms
Ruth Ru Ruth
1 Sam. 1 Sm 1 Samuel
2 Sam. 2 Sm 2 Samuel
Song of Sol. Sg Song of Solomon (Song of Songs)
Zech. Zec Zechariah
Zeph. Zep Zephaniah


Traditional Shorter Full Name
Acts -- Acts of the Apostles
Apoc. -- Apocalypse (Revelation)
Col. Col Colossians
1 Cor.  1 Cor 1 Corinthians
2 Cor. 2 Cor 2 Corinthians
Eph. Eph Ephesians
Gal. Gal Galatians
Heb. Heb Hebrews
James Jas James
John Jn John (Gospel)
1 John 1 Jn 1 John (Epistle)
2 John 2 Jn 2 John (Epistle)
3 John 3 Jn 3 John (Epistle)
Jude -- Jude
Luke Lk Luke
Mark Mk Mark
Matt. Mt Matthew
1 Pet. 1 Pt 1 Peter
2 Pet. 2 Pt 2 Peter
Phil. Phil Philippians
Philem. Phlm Philemon
Rev. Rv Revelation (Apocalypse)
Rom. Rom Romans
1 Thess. 1 Thes 1 Thessalonians
2 Thess. 2 Thes 2 Thessalonians
1 Tim. 1 Tm 1 Timothy
2 Tim. 2 Tm 2 Timothy
Titus Ti Titus


Traditional Shorter Full Name
Bar. Bar Baruch
Bel and Dragon -- Bel and the Dragon
Ecclus. Sir Ecclesiasticus (Sirach)
1 Esd. -- 1 Esdras
2 Esd.  -- 2 Esdras
Jth. Jdt Judith
1 Macc. 1 Mc 1 Maccabees
2 Macc. 2 Mc 2 Maccabees
Pr. of Man. -- Prayer of Manasses (Manasseh)
Song of Three Children -- Song of the Three Holy Children
Sus. -- Susanna
Tob. Tb Tobit
Wisd. of Sol.  Ws Wisdom of Solomon
-- -- Additions to Esther (Rest of Esther)


ARV American Revised Version
ASV American Standard Versio
AT American Translation
AV Authorized (King James) Version
CEV Contemporary English Versio
DV Douay Version
ERV English Revised Version
EV English version
JB Jerusalem Bible
NAB New American Bible
NEB New English Bible
NRSV New Revised Standard Version
RSV Revised Standard Version
RV Revised Version
Vulg. Vulgate