This guide includes links to both print and electronic resources that are available to you -- general pointers for doing research -- tools that should help you stay organized -- tips for using databases and search engines -- and help for writing papers.
Take a look at the left side menu to navigate through these resources and contact Rebecca Richie with any questions about the information and material provided here.
To access books through EBSCO you will use the following information:
Login: ebcstudent :: Password: P@cific0 (last character is zero)
For Course Reserves materials such as textbooks and other required reading, you will need to request an account from the ProQuest ebook central page. Requesting and creating an account will notify your librarian to verify your student status before you can access the ebook content. By creating an account this way you are establishing your own unique login credentials.
If you come across books or course content with a link to the Internet Archive, you will need to create a free account to access, check out, and download resources.
Internet Archive is a digital library of internet sites, books and texts, and other cultural artifacts including audio, video, historic television programs, and image resources.
Some resources are available directly from the Eternity Library Catalog as PDFs, accessible through Populi. There is a Library tab at the top, once you log in to Populi. As long as you are logged in, you may view and download these resources.
The other access point for ProQuest will be the Religion Database where you will be able to search for articles and publications of scholarly journals. The login information for these materials is communal:
login: ebcstudent :: password: welcomeebc