Criteria | Points | Description |
Your Ideas | 10 | Your essay includes your own thoughts, ideas and/or experience while not relying on direct address or other conversational techniques suited for sermons and or speeches. |
Others' Ideas | 10 | Your essay presents a larger context of ideas for your topic. You employ the ideas from your research through summary and paraphrase, while not relying entirely on direct quotations. No more than 15% of your paper is direct quotation. |
Thesis Statement | 10 | A clear thesis statement that contains a “how and/or why element, remains present throughout the essay, directing its content. |
Organization | 16 | Well organized and unified, contains clear evidence of logic and promotes clarity by employing the use of transitions between ideas. |
Introduction | 10 | Introduces the topic to be discussed, immediately engages reader’s interest, and leads the reader to the paper’s thesis. |
Conclusion | 10 | Restates the paper’s thesis and ties together the paper’s claims. The conclusion does not present new evidence but rather summarizes afresh the ideas presented in the body of the essay. |
Mechanics & Style | 14 | Employs a formal, academic tone, uses good syntax, has no spelling/grammatical errors, has effective word choice and varying sentence structure. |
Citations & Bibliography | 10 | Parenthetical citations OR footnotes are used throughout the body of the essay and a Reference List OR Bibliography list is available at the end of the essay. Formatting follows the conventions found in the EBC Style Guide that correlates with Chicago Manual of Style. |
Word Count | 10 | Minimum word count: 1200 [No more than 15% of the word count, 180 words, can be direct quotation. |